Guess who got married? My favorite couple, Michael and Daniel!!!
Michael and Daniel decided to get married Friday, Oct. 26 on a sunny New York City day at the courthouse. Addison was the ring bearer. The ceremony was beautiful. It was wonderful to see all the family and friends that attended. I was happy to have my family be a part of it. And I feel like our family is growing even bigger now because of this marriage.
This trip was also a nice family vacation because it was the first time JT and Addison have ever been to NYC. I of course had to pack everything in for 3 day so they could see everything. I remember my mom taking me to NYC for the first time. I was in awe of everything. I wanted Addison to remember this trip like I remember mine. So, we did everything.
We went to the 9/11 Memorial.
We took the boat to see the Statue of Liberty.
We went to the Natural History Museum to see the dinosaurs and more.
We walked across Central Park to get to the Guggenheim and enjoyed the beautiful architecture and art at the Guggenheim.
We went to Times Square.
We went to the Empire Statue Building at night.
And took Addison Ice Skating at Rockefeller Center.
We did a lot of walking and knew how to ride the subway like a real New Yorker by the end of the trip (the app on our phones really helped out a lot).
Sunday night we realized we need to probably get out of NYC before Hurricane Sandy hit. We were fortunate that we drove and didn't get stuck. Michael and Daniel weren't so lucky and had to stay until Thursday.
Our hearts go out to everyone that was affected by Hurricane Sandy. We still can't believe the pictures of all the devastation. We are fortuante that our family and friends are safe. But not everyone was that lucky. Please if you guys donate to the Red Cross to help. You can donate at their website
here. Or you can text Text REDCROSS to 90999 to give $10 to American Red Cross Disaster Relief.
I have been busy making Thanksgiving cards and crafting for Thanksgiving. I promise to be back soon. This one post a month is horrible. Sorry that I have been slacking.
If I don't blog before Thursday, Happy Thanksgiving.
Talk to you soon