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Summer is Over - First Day of School Printable

I can't believe it has been a month since my last post.  Sorry about that.  Remember I was so excited that June was coming to an end and I thought I was going to have all this time?  Well, that so did not happen.  It got crazy busy with Addison going to Robotics camp and Aerospace Engineering camp.  Addison also still had diving practice.  When I did have down time I was crafting or spending time with friends and family.  I really haven't even been cooking or baking, which is bad.

Well now we are getting back in the swing of things.  Summer is almost over.  This is Addison's last week of his summer vacation.  I am letting him enjoy his last week which in Addison language means playing with friends, watching movies, and playing video games.  I am shopping to get him ready for school and trying to get him back on a school schedule.

This is Addison's last year of middle school so I believe it should be a great year.  I want it to go as slow as possible because I am not ready to have a son in high school.  I am going to miss spending time with him this summer but I will not miss spending my days in the car.  Soon he will be driving himself and I will miss these times.

I was thinking about a printable for school and you can see I decided to make some chalkboard printables.  I don't think Addison will probably let me take a picture of him with these for his first day of school but maybe you guys can use them.  Just click on the picture or the link to find the printables.  They are in PDF form and are 8"X10".

I have also uploaded the Back to School printables if you are interested in printing them out.  I am having fun with the chalkboard effect and will probably be creating many more things.

I have a lot to post about this week so don't worry I will be back soon.  I need to share some great things I have crafted.  I also need to share my recipe for the Perfect Orange Cranberry Muffin.

Talk to you soon,