I'm still sick but feeling better. I just wish I could breathe out of my nose. JT and Addison have been more than helpful. And since this is the last week of school I have nothing due so that's a relief.
So while I surfed the web today in my sickly bed I found the funniest link from Pioneer Woman. Best Week Ever did a post of 50 Photos of Basset Hounds and it's hilarious! I needed this laugh. I was laughing so hard I was snorting and crying (because of my stuffed up nose). You can check it out here. Trust me you are going to want to send this link to everyone. I posted it on my Facebook because I had to share it with everyone.
Here are some other things great things I have found on the web today.
I found these coffee mugs on Photojojo.com.
They are coffee mugs that look like a camera lens. And the Nikon one even zoooms!!!

You can find The Camera Lens Mug at the Photojojo Store!
This is interesting, Silhouette rings.
I love asubtlerevelry.com. It's one of my new favorite DIY blogs and now they have started an online magazine. So my favorite online magazine is Styled Mag. It shows great ideas that anyone can create and how to throw a fabulous party. You can find it here.
I am still trying to mess around with Photoshop. It's been difficult since I have been sick. My laptop doesn't have enough power to run Photoshop well, it makes it very slow. So I use Addison's iMac in his room and I'm trying really hard not to get him sick. Here's a new picture I worked on. I just cropped it, lightened up, and tweaked a couple of things. I'm really enjoying Photoshop so far.
So while I surfed the web today in my sickly bed I found the funniest link from Pioneer Woman. Best Week Ever did a post of 50 Photos of Basset Hounds and it's hilarious! I needed this laugh. I was laughing so hard I was snorting and crying (because of my stuffed up nose). You can check it out here. Trust me you are going to want to send this link to everyone. I posted it on my Facebook because I had to share it with everyone.
Here are some other things great things I have found on the web today.
I found these coffee mugs on Photojojo.com.
They are coffee mugs that look like a camera lens. And the Nikon one even zoooms!!!
You can find The Camera Lens Mug at the Photojojo Store!
This is interesting, Silhouette rings.
You can send them a picture of your or anyones silhouette and they create a ring for you. They also make bangles. What a neat idea? You can buy them here.
I love asubtlerevelry.com. It's one of my new favorite DIY blogs and now they have started an online magazine. So my favorite online magazine is Styled Mag. It shows great ideas that anyone can create and how to throw a fabulous party. You can find it here.
I am still trying to mess around with Photoshop. It's been difficult since I have been sick. My laptop doesn't have enough power to run Photoshop well, it makes it very slow. So I use Addison's iMac in his room and I'm trying really hard not to get him sick. Here's a new picture I worked on. I just cropped it, lightened up, and tweaked a couple of things. I'm really enjoying Photoshop so far.
And another one of Dolce. I took about 100 pictures of her Easter Sunday. She loves taking pictures and I was so happy since Addison hates taking pictures. She looks like Betty Bop to me sometimes so I wanted her to have I kind of Pop Art old look. I love it that her eyes and hair are so dark. She could be a Movie Star.
As you can tell the Adcock family has some beautiful girls. Well, time to take some medicine and get some rest. Oh look what Grandma gave Addison today so he wouldn't get sick.
So not funny!!!
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