Sorry I have not blogged this week but I caught a bad cold. I started feeling sick around Saturday and then by Monday I was down for the count. The bad thing is I had my last test in Numerical Methods Wednesday. So I spent Monday and Tuesday in bed studying. I am feeling better now and I think I did ok on my test but now Addison is sick. He has a horrible cough and he's just trying to get through this week of school. He has one test and 3 quizzes I'm praying that he won't miss. It's not looking so good right now. Speaking of Addison. Monday (before he started getting sick) Addison cleaned the whole house without me even asking him. I was amazed. He vacuumed the whole house, cleaned his bathroom, mopped the floors, cleaned his room, and did two loads of laundry. And when I say cleaned I mean he really cleaned. His room hasn't looked this good in a while. And he didn't just wash two loads, he put them up too. I am blessed to have such a wonderful child.
Well, since I have been sick all week I have not cooked or baked (or cleaned Addison did that). But I have watched a lot of cooking shows. :) I did start crafting Christmas wreaths Saturday and am hoping to finish them by Thanksgiving. I also have figured out what our Thanksgiving card is going to look like this year. I just have to make 29 more. I have decided to do a little every day and I should be done in a week. I also need to start working on Christmas tags. I only get to see JT's dad's side of the family on Thanksgiving, so I thought it would be nice to make tags to give to them this year. I have some great Christmas stamps and metal dies that would make some great tags and I do have ribbon galore. I will post some pictures soon. I know I am putting too much on my plate. That's why I decided to make tags instead of making them 12 Christmas cards each. Speaking of Christmas cards I need to start working on those too but after I finish everything else. My next week is going to be very very busy.
Ok let me stop thinking about everything I need to get done and lets talk about paper. I of course went to my favorite website They had the most amazing 1st birthday invitations. Here they are.
I so love the gold foil and the pink, gold and navy blue together. I am really thinking it is time for me to have a little girl. You can check the post out here.
Oh I got my boots and I love them. I only have worn them three time but I am breaking them in nicely. It is nice to have tall boots in this cold weather. Where did our Autumn go? How is it Winter already? I am very happy that I have a new jacket that puts a smile on my face every time I wear it because it is really cold and I don't want to go anywhere.
This weekend is our neighbor John's wedding. I hope it will warm up a little bit so I can be cute. See my problem is I hate hose or tights. I have about 3 pairs of tights and I wear them if it's freezing but I prefer not to wear them. They always end up falling down and I end up having to pull them up all night. I would rather just wear heels and have bare legs. I am thinking I will probably be fine since the wedding starts at 3 PM and then the reception is at 6 PM. I am thinking I will be indoors before it gets really cold. Oh and I am wearing the most beautiful skirt to the wedding. Here it is:
It is has a gold shimmer tone (if that makes sense). I can't wait to wear it. Next weekend I have a birthday party dinner to attend and I am thinking of wearing it there also. It's from Anthropolgie of course.
Oh I need to mention the reason why have been going crafty crazy, it is because of It is a great way to pin things that inspire you on virtual boards. The great thing is it inspires me to create so many things. The bad thing is it is addicting. I have spent countless hours pinning things on my virtual boards. I don't know when I am going to find time to create all these things.
Well, I need to help the sick child study. I leave you with an image I found on Pinterest.

Well, since I have been sick all week I have not cooked or baked (or cleaned Addison did that). But I have watched a lot of cooking shows. :) I did start crafting Christmas wreaths Saturday and am hoping to finish them by Thanksgiving. I also have figured out what our Thanksgiving card is going to look like this year. I just have to make 29 more. I have decided to do a little every day and I should be done in a week. I also need to start working on Christmas tags. I only get to see JT's dad's side of the family on Thanksgiving, so I thought it would be nice to make tags to give to them this year. I have some great Christmas stamps and metal dies that would make some great tags and I do have ribbon galore. I will post some pictures soon. I know I am putting too much on my plate. That's why I decided to make tags instead of making them 12 Christmas cards each. Speaking of Christmas cards I need to start working on those too but after I finish everything else. My next week is going to be very very busy.
Ok let me stop thinking about everything I need to get done and lets talk about paper. I of course went to my favorite website They had the most amazing 1st birthday invitations. Here they are.
I so love the gold foil and the pink, gold and navy blue together. I am really thinking it is time for me to have a little girl. You can check the post out here.
Oh I got my boots and I love them. I only have worn them three time but I am breaking them in nicely. It is nice to have tall boots in this cold weather. Where did our Autumn go? How is it Winter already? I am very happy that I have a new jacket that puts a smile on my face every time I wear it because it is really cold and I don't want to go anywhere.
This weekend is our neighbor John's wedding. I hope it will warm up a little bit so I can be cute. See my problem is I hate hose or tights. I have about 3 pairs of tights and I wear them if it's freezing but I prefer not to wear them. They always end up falling down and I end up having to pull them up all night. I would rather just wear heels and have bare legs. I am thinking I will probably be fine since the wedding starts at 3 PM and then the reception is at 6 PM. I am thinking I will be indoors before it gets really cold. Oh and I am wearing the most beautiful skirt to the wedding. Here it is:
It is has a gold shimmer tone (if that makes sense). I can't wait to wear it. Next weekend I have a birthday party dinner to attend and I am thinking of wearing it there also. It's from Anthropolgie of course.
Oh I need to mention the reason why have been going crafty crazy, it is because of It is a great way to pin things that inspire you on virtual boards. The great thing is it inspires me to create so many things. The bad thing is it is addicting. I have spent countless hours pinning things on my virtual boards. I don't know when I am going to find time to create all these things.
Well, I need to help the sick child study. I leave you with an image I found on Pinterest.
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