Oh yes today is 3/14 and what does that mean? It's Pi Day. Pi Day is always celebrated on 3/14 because pi is 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288.... Get it 3/14 and 3.14? I know I'm a dork. So what do we do on Pi Day at Paper and Pi? Well, of course bake pie. Eat pie. And talk about pie and pi.
I decided to find some things about Pi for today. I learned about a neighborhood in Florida called the Rotonda. It's a round subdivision where the streets are laid out like pieces of pi.
How cute is this onsie from MyCowDazy?
Well, I hope everyone is having a wonderful Pi Day. Talk to you soon.

I decided to find some things about Pi for today. I learned about a neighborhood in Florida called the Rotonda. It's a round subdivision where the streets are laid out like pieces of pi.
Google Maps
On Reddit.com, Ford engineers are asking mathematical questions all day to anyone who wants to participate for prizes. The post a new math problem every 3 minutes and 14 seconds.
Oh and look at this apple pi. Found here.
Wow, PC world you guys are creative.
And look at this Pi brooch from Geek Modish.
How cute is this onsie from MyCowDazy?
Well, I hope everyone is having a wonderful Pi Day. Talk to you soon.
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