Les Miserables was amazing. I forgot how incredible it is. It was a joy to go with our nieces to their first show. I think they liked it and I hope this is the first of many shows they go to. I was really impressed. This touring cast is really good. I cried twice during the show. That's when I know when a show is good, if I start crying. It's amazing how well people can sing that you can feel it in your soul. Oh and let's not forget about the sets. The sets were amazing. I just don't know how they do it. Everything just comes together so seamlessly.
Here we are at the Fox's Lobby getting ready to go in.
Here are some pictures I found on atlanta.brodway.com.
Oh I made cookie recipe #1 last night, the Cook's Illustrated recipe. The brown butter gave the cookies a interesting nutty taste. They are really good. Addison said, he was surprised they were that good. JT said, they were great but no the best he's every had. I would like to tweak the recipe and drain the brown butter before I add it to everything. Sometimes the bits of brown butter taste a little bitter. I would also like to add nuts and see how the nutty flavor from the brown butter works with nuts.
The New York Times cookies have to refrigerated for up to 36 hours so I will make those tonight but won't be able to bake them until Saturday. I guess I will make Alton Brown's recipe tomorrow.
Talk to you soon,

Here we are at the Fox's Lobby getting ready to go in.
Here are some pictures I found on atlanta.brodway.com.
I was smiling throughout the whole performance, smiling and crying. Oh and Valerie was singing throughout the whole performance. I think she really enjoyed it. What do you think? :) I suggest everyone to see it when it comes to their city. You won't be disappointed.
Oh I made cookie recipe #1 last night, the Cook's Illustrated recipe. The brown butter gave the cookies a interesting nutty taste. They are really good. Addison said, he was surprised they were that good. JT said, they were great but no the best he's every had. I would like to tweak the recipe and drain the brown butter before I add it to everything. Sometimes the bits of brown butter taste a little bitter. I would also like to add nuts and see how the nutty flavor from the brown butter works with nuts.
The New York Times cookies have to refrigerated for up to 36 hours so I will make those tonight but won't be able to bake them until Saturday. I guess I will make Alton Brown's recipe tomorrow.
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