So you all know I have a boy, a perfect boy who I love greatly. He is sweet, caring, and loving. I think he has the perfect amount of everything. He's an athlete, a musician, scholar, and a gentleman. I am excited seeing the man he is becoming and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world.
That being said I think, "What would our life be like if we had a little girl too". Addison and I have a great relationship. If we had a little girl she would probably be a DIVA and she and I would not get along. She would probably be "Daddy's Little" girl and JT would let her get away with everything. Addison and I would have to ditch her to do fun things because she would be complaining all the time. And don't get started with the teenage years. I was a horrible teenager. I am surprise my mom didn't run away and just leave me the house.
But I will admit the one great thing about a little girl is the clothes.. Oh tutus, dresses, little girl tights, tiaras, ribbons, and bows. I do admit if I had a little girl she would be dressed so cute every day. Until she was old enough to rebel and not let me dress her anymore. And then I pray she ended up picking up my great fashion sense and still dressed great.
So an ode to my little girl, I made these cute little felt barrettes.
I love that I can make them with the left over felt I have from my other projects. I am thinking of making some for St. Patrick's Day and Easter. What do you think? The Chosen One has asked for some with ladybugs on them because ladybugs are her niece's favorite.
If you would like to purchase some you can buy them on the Etsy Shop or the Paper and Pi Shop.
I would also like to know what other barrettes I should create. Suggestions are always welcomed.
Oh before I go since we were talking about little girl and barrettes. Have I ever mentioned how beautiful Addison's hair is?
It's the perfect amount of curl and body. All us girls tell him we would kill for his hair. And all the girls are always touching it. If I could only have a little girl with his hair, that would be ideal.
Oh well, time to go to Sports Authority to shop for my boy. Addison is running another 5K tomorrow.
Talk to you later,

That being said I think, "What would our life be like if we had a little girl too". Addison and I have a great relationship. If we had a little girl she would probably be a DIVA and she and I would not get along. She would probably be "Daddy's Little" girl and JT would let her get away with everything. Addison and I would have to ditch her to do fun things because she would be complaining all the time. And don't get started with the teenage years. I was a horrible teenager. I am surprise my mom didn't run away and just leave me the house.
But I will admit the one great thing about a little girl is the clothes.. Oh tutus, dresses, little girl tights, tiaras, ribbons, and bows. I do admit if I had a little girl she would be dressed so cute every day. Until she was old enough to rebel and not let me dress her anymore. And then I pray she ended up picking up my great fashion sense and still dressed great.
So an ode to my little girl, I made these cute little felt barrettes.
I love that I can make them with the left over felt I have from my other projects. I am thinking of making some for St. Patrick's Day and Easter. What do you think? The Chosen One has asked for some with ladybugs on them because ladybugs are her niece's favorite.
If you would like to purchase some you can buy them on the Etsy Shop or the Paper and Pi Shop.
I would also like to know what other barrettes I should create. Suggestions are always welcomed.
Oh before I go since we were talking about little girl and barrettes. Have I ever mentioned how beautiful Addison's hair is?
It's the perfect amount of curl and body. All us girls tell him we would kill for his hair. And all the girls are always touching it. If I could only have a little girl with his hair, that would be ideal.
Oh well, time to go to Sports Authority to shop for my boy. Addison is running another 5K tomorrow.
Talk to you later,
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