Father's Day is Sunday. Addison and JT are going to the Braves game tomorrow with Addison's friend Mason and his father. I think they will have a blast watching baseball, eating hot dogs and drinking beer (the Fathers not the sons). Addison also bought JT a couple of Star Wars inspired t-shirts on Etsy that will be here later on this week. Men are so different than women. I could tell you 5 things I want right now but when you ask JT he says he doesn't want anything. I had to email JT pictures of shirts for him to even think about what he wanted. He finally told Addison which two he liked so Addison could purchase them. By the way Addison is growing up to fast. He has his own debit card now and is all about saving his money. I was proud when he went online and bought something for his Dad.
Here's are the two shirts Addison bought for JT, he got them on Etsy from Engram Clothing:
We are NOT a family of nerds I promise, ;) ;)
Tomorrow I will go over to Mason's house and hang out with his mother, Lisa and his two younger sisters. Hey, the men will be gone so we will just watch girly movies and do girly stuff. I guess I might bake JT's favorite cake for him since I won't have to make dinner. I'm such a great wife.
I came up with some Father's Day Tickets for a last minute present. JT, Addison, The Chosen One, Adrian, and I came up with a ticket. I bet you can guess which ticket is mine (it is not the Hall Pass one). I hope you enjoy this free download. Just click on the link or picture below. Print them out, cut them, and tie them together. Or I guess you could just give him the whole sheet of paper and he can cut it when he wants to use one. A Perfect Father's Day present for a Perfect Father.
I would also like to Thank all my readers and customers. I have been getting a lot of orders lately in my Etsy store. I am so grateful that you all are enjoying what I am creating. I have been very busy this summer with Addison and crafting orders but I am not complaining. Thank You again.
Talk to you soon,

Here's are the two shirts Addison bought for JT, he got them on Etsy from Engram Clothing:
Tomorrow I will go over to Mason's house and hang out with his mother, Lisa and his two younger sisters. Hey, the men will be gone so we will just watch girly movies and do girly stuff. I guess I might bake JT's favorite cake for him since I won't have to make dinner. I'm such a great wife.
I came up with some Father's Day Tickets for a last minute present. JT, Addison, The Chosen One, Adrian, and I came up with a ticket. I bet you can guess which ticket is mine (it is not the Hall Pass one). I hope you enjoy this free download. Just click on the link or picture below. Print them out, cut them, and tie them together. Or I guess you could just give him the whole sheet of paper and he can cut it when he wants to use one. A Perfect Father's Day present for a Perfect Father.
I would also like to Thank all my readers and customers. I have been getting a lot of orders lately in my Etsy store. I am so grateful that you all are enjoying what I am creating. I have been very busy this summer with Addison and crafting orders but I am not complaining. Thank You again.
Talk to you soon,
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