Throwback Thursday

So I was reading through old posts and I found this 2 year old post.  I find it hilarious because I was sad that Addison was going to Jekyll Island for a week with his class.  This week Addison is at Walt Disney World with his orchestra class.  He is in a different state without me!!!  I said in the 2 year old post that he was growing up too fast and will one day go to Disney without me.

He's growing up so fast.  This is the start of sleep away camp when
 he's gone for a month.  And going to Washington DC
 or Disney World with out me. I guess I have to realize
 if he's going to compete in diving and swimming
 there will be out of state meets.  So this is the
 beginning of his independence.  I think I better start working
g on having another baby.  :)  Maybe a girl this time so she
 will really never leave me.  Wait!!!  Slap me please, I am not
 ready to have another screaming new born baby.
  And definitely not ready to be pregnant again.  UGH!!

LOL!!!  I was right! I wonder what I will be saying in 2 years.  Will he be in Washington DC with his high school class?  Well, I have 4 more years with him so they better go by slow.  :)

While my baby is away, I have just been cleaning and reorganizing the house.  Everyone is like go out, have fun, go wild.  I think everyone is forgetting that I am 40 now and fun for me is a great movie and an awesome dinner party.

I am just going to plan a dinner party for Saturday and go see the movie Pompeii.  That's crazy enough for me.

I would like to mention my Favorite Things this week that make me smile while little man is having a blast.

1. JCrew Jewelry

Hubby got this for me for Valentine's Day and I can't wait to wear it.  I just need to figure out what to wear with it.

They also have a matching bracelet.

 I wonder how good I have to be to get this also.  :)

2. Anthropologie Maxi Dress

We all know I am a sucker for a great maxi.  

3.  Anthropologie Tops

Can you tell I am ready for Spring?  It is cold and rainy here in Atlanta.  At least we have not been having crazy snow like last month.  I was starting to feel like we lived up North for a second.  

Well, JT is going to pick up sushi and we are going to watch TV.  My life is so exciting.  :)

Talk to you soon, 
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