So I was reading through old posts and I found this 2 year old post. I find it hilarious because I was sad that Addison was going to Jekyll Island for a week with his class. This week Addison is at Walt Disney World with his orchestra class. He is in a different state without me!!! I said in the 2 year old post that he was growing up too fast and will one day go to Disney without me.
While my baby is away, I have just been cleaning and reorganizing the house. Everyone is like go out, have fun, go wild. I think everyone is forgetting that I am 40 now and fun for me is a great movie and an awesome dinner party.
I am just going to plan a dinner party for Saturday and go see the movie Pompeii. That's crazy enough for me.
I would like to mention my Favorite Things this week that make me smile while little man is having a blast.
1. JCrew Jewelry
Hubby got this for me for Valentine's Day and I can't wait to wear it. I just need to figure out what to wear with it.
They also have a matching bracelet.
I wonder how good I have to be to get this also. :)
2. Anthropologie Maxi Dress

He's growing up so fast. This is the start of sleep away camp when
he's gone for a month. And going to Washington DC
or Disney World with out me. I guess I have to realize
if he's going to compete in diving and swimming
there will be out of state meets. So this is the
beginning of his independence. I think I better start working
g on having another baby. :) Maybe a girl this time so she
will really never leave me. Wait!!! Slap me please, I am not
ready to have another screaming new born baby.
And definitely not ready to be pregnant again. UGH!!
LOL!!! I was right! I wonder what I will be saying in 2 years. Will he be in Washington DC with his high school class? Well, I have 4 more years with him so they better go by slow. :)there will be out of state meets. So this is the
beginning of his independence. I think I better start working
g on having another baby. :) Maybe a girl this time so she
will really never leave me. Wait!!! Slap me please, I am not
ready to have another screaming new born baby.
And definitely not ready to be pregnant again. UGH!!
While my baby is away, I have just been cleaning and reorganizing the house. Everyone is like go out, have fun, go wild. I think everyone is forgetting that I am 40 now and fun for me is a great movie and an awesome dinner party.
I am just going to plan a dinner party for Saturday and go see the movie Pompeii. That's crazy enough for me.
I would like to mention my Favorite Things this week that make me smile while little man is having a blast.
1. JCrew Jewelry
Hubby got this for me for Valentine's Day and I can't wait to wear it. I just need to figure out what to wear with it.
They also have a matching bracelet.
I wonder how good I have to be to get this also. :)
2. Anthropologie Maxi Dress
We all know I am a sucker for a great maxi.
3. Anthropologie Tops
Can you tell I am ready for Spring? It is cold and rainy here in Atlanta. At least we have not been having crazy snow like last month. I was starting to feel like we lived up North for a second.
Well, JT is going to pick up sushi and we are going to watch TV. My life is so exciting. :)
Talk to you soon,
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