I am back and there is a New Paper & Pi store!

Hello Everyone.  It has been a long time.  Life just got really busy.  My Etsy store has been doing incredible.  I have had the most wonderful clients and have been able to make to most beautiful things for them.  I am still amazed on the positive reactions I am having towards my products.  I am very lucky to have taken a hobby that make me happy and have turned it into a business. I have now decided to open a new large online store away from Etsy.  I love Etsy and will keep my Etsy store open but I would like to have a store that I can tie my web page and my blog with it. You can find the new store here. Please tell me what you think.  I will be tweaking it for the next months so it can be perfect.

When I have not been working, I have been busy with Addison and all his things. Since it has been forever since I have blogged there are so many new exciting things to share.  Addison is officially a senior in high school. Can you believe it?  If you follow me on Instagram, you would have seen our 8 day college road trip.  14 colleges in 8 days. It was crazy and exhausting.  We didn't kill each other and Addison now has a better feeling on what type of college he would like to attend.  He has chosen is top 5 and I will let you know what he decides later.

If have also been following my adventures on Instagram you would have notice we have a new addition to our little zoo. We got another French Bulldog last year.  Her name is Stella and she is a handful.  It is nice to have a puppy in the house.  She keeps Addison on his toes and keeps Luna young.  

The farm is doing great.  We are building a platform for the tipi.  The goal is to get it done so we can have a big Thanksgiving down at the farm for the whole family.  Please keep your fingers crossed for us achieving this goal.  It is going to be a lot of work and we have less than 3 months.  We also need to install the new doors, new door hardware, and paint.  I know what we are doing Labor Day weekend.  

The bees are doing great.  We got another hive and now we just trying to learn from both.  We have had some ups and downs with them.  We had an aggressive hive that we had to requeen.  We lost a queen and had a laying worker.  We lost half the hive last winter because of a cold snap. We have had small hive beetles problem.  But through it all we learning more and more and our loving being beekeepers.  We will hopefully have honey next Spring and I can start selling it on my new store.  :)

We planted our first garden for the bees this spring.  It has been another great learning experience.  The herbs, watermelon, a green peppers did great.  We had more than enough green peppers and watermelons.  I have been handing them out to everyone.  Our green beans and sunflowers got eaten by all the deers.  And we will not asparagus until next year.  We have a plan on what to plant this summer and we our doing research in what we can plant now.  JT really needs to work on fencing so the deers will stop eat everything.  That will be another thing on his Honey Do long list.  Poor JT.  I am just happy to go to the farm and play in the dirt.  It is really relaxing and have found a love of gardening.  

So yes if I wasn't busy enough I have added more and more on the things to do.  The great thing is it keeps us busy especially the new puppy.  At least I won't have to worry about having too much time on my hands when Addison leaves for college next year.  JT is already talking about fencing in some of the farm property for goats.  That would be very exciting.  I will just replace Addison with farm animals.  That sounds perfect to me.  :)

Well, thanks for taking your time to catch up. Talk to you soon.

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