Resoltuion #4 - Exercise

So we all know that one of my resolutions had to be exercise.  Isn't that on everybody's list?  So every beginning of the year I work out more, do great for a month or two, and then just stop.  So I was thinking instead of going extreme I would just do baby steps.  I was also thinking if I did a challenge with other people it would keep me exercising.  So The Chosen One and some others (I think Brandi is joining us)  have decided that we have to walk/run 8 miles a week.  With everyone's busy schedules 8 miles seems like a reasonable number.   Every time someone walks/runs we will take a picture of it and upload the picture to Instagram with the hashtag #pi8milesaweek.  I would love for all of you to join us.

With Instagram we can comment on everyone's progress and cheer each other on.  I think it will be a lot of fun.  For walking with my iPhone I use to app Endomondo.  I love the it tracks what you are doing, you can add friends to see what they are doing, and it even has GPS.  Grandma even does it and she's a walking machine.  She walks about 2 miles a day and seeing what she can do encourages me to walk more.

I hope you will join us in our walking/running challenge.

Have a great weekend!!!
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