What a week!!!

So I had th most stressful week with school.   I had a test and a lab and they were both terrible.  My audio lab was Wednesday night and we couldn't get our circuit to work right.  We took it apart twice and still nothing.  We finally got it but we left the lab at 11:00, everyone left by 9:30.  So after all the frustration I had to come home and study for my test I had today.   I finished reading last night and reviewed this morning.  Well, the test was horrible, it will be the first test I probably failed.  This class is Data Communications and I just don't like it.  I love Math, so classes that have math make more sense to me.  This is just definitions and understanding.  Well, I guess I am not understanding.  So I'm praying I at least got a C so I don't have to drop this class.  I am only one class away from graduating if I have to drop I will be two classes away (I guess that's not that bad).  The problem is I need this class to graduate so if I don't get it now how am I going to get it later.

The great thing is I am done with this week and I don't have anything due Monday.  So I will have a nice 4 day weekend of relaxation and things I want to do.  I think I am going to focus on taking pictures and making cards.  I haven't been able to enjoy my weekends because of studying.  I haven't really taken any outdoor shots so I plan to spend at least one day at the park.  I also forgot my new cake stand when I brought the girls cake over to their house, so this gives me a reason to make another cake.  :)  I am thinking chocolate cake with raspberry jam and chocolate cream cheese frosting.  Oh and raspberry ice cream on the side.  The raspberry ice cream I made was Addison's and JT's is their favorite.  Wow just thinking about baking is making me forget about that horrible test and my horrible week.

Well, let's start now.  This is what I see in my house right now.

The Bad One

The Demanding One

The Good One

The leave me alone I'm busy playing One

 The Amazing, I can't believe Addison's room is clean and bed made, One.

All my babies make me so happy.  They definitely beat that stupid mean test.  Luna's waiting to chew up that horrible test and that's what I will let her do when I get it back.  :)  Well, I going to go work on some cards.  I might post tonight to show everything I have done or I might take a nap and get nothing done.  :)  We will just have to wait and see.  

Oh I also noticed that no one comments.  And I wonder why?  No one has told me about the things they love.  Is commenting difficult?  How can I make it easier?

1 comment on "What a week!!!"
  1. I think I have left a comment once. I love your blog, it makes me laugh. I loved your shoe blog, have to say that was my fav!! Love ya, Valerie


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